Our Community


Holy City Christian Academy is a community of families of faith. Meet some of our member families below and learn why they decided to join our school.


The Laughlin Family

Tell us about why you decided to join our community and send your child to HCCA?

We were seeking a school that aligned with our family’s values. After speaking with Julie (O'Shea), we immediately knew this was the school we've been looking for. We know our daughter is being taught and cared for by people who support our Christian faith and who also support Biblical values and morality. I don't have to worry when she come home about any subversive messaging, or inappropriate and destructive ideologies. We can trust everyone at HCCA to put the childrens’ safety and well-being as their top priority. 

What is your child’s favorite lesson, activity, or part of the day at HCCA?

Our daughter said: "Prayer and field trips. Also, math and science activities." She said it was hard to narrow it down because she loves it all! 

In your experience, how is HCCA different from other schools?

It is personalized while still supporting teamwork and community. We loved that students all integrate with each other and are not just interacting with only peers of the same grade. Older students are encouraged to be role models to younger students. Their academic abilities are taken into consideration so the teaching method is focused on where each student is, not just by their grade. I know that if there are subjects where extra help is needed, it will be provided. But students are also encouraged to advance beyond their grade level so they continue to be challenged. 

Have you noticed anything different about your children since attending HCCA?

Yes, my daughter has really been able to be herself. The environment is supportive and caring. She loves going to school now! She enjoys learning again. And her love of Christ has really flourished. She has made meaningful friendships and feels she can come to any staff members with any questions. 

What would you say to a family considering joining the HCCA community and partnering with us to educate their child?

I would encourage them to look over the website, look at the values, and take a tour. Ask questions and if you feel your family is a good fit then absolutely apply. Nothing truly can describe the sense of peace knowing your children are in the best hands possible.

The Morrison Family

Tell us about why you decided to join our community and send your child to HCCA?

We wanted a Jesus Christ-filled learning environment that was centered around faith and values. HCCA is perfect because it offers a distinct experience that is focused on God and His Word — which we feel is the most important benefit for any child in their formative years. 

What is your child’s favorite lesson, activity, or part of the day at HCCA?

Dori loves the extracurricular activities! They give her the opportunities she needs to make friends, work as a team, and develop leadership skills that will inevitably help build her character. HCCA is a perfect school if you value learning the heart of Jesus, while also being prepared and equipped to LIVE out God’s word everyday and still have fun as a kid — which is what childhood is all about!  

In your experience, how is HCCA different from other schools?

The curriculum is designed to teach biblical principles and values that apply to everyday life. Dori gets to learn about God’s love and grace and how to live it with a spiritual foundation of Christian academic excellence. The curriculum is a perfect balance — it is both challenging and fun — with the necessary support available for those who need it. 

Have you noticed anything different about your children since attending HCCA?

We have seen Dori grow academically, emotionally, and spiritually. HCCA is a safe, nurturing environment that is perfect for helping our little Dori learn and growth. The teachers and staff are dedicated to creating a positive learning atmosphere that helps her explore her faith and grow her relationship with Jesus. 

What would you say to a family considering joining the HCCA community and partnering with us to educate their child?

The teachers at HCCA are extremely qualified professionals who are passionate about Jesus first. Additionally, their desire to help each student reach their full potential is more than demonstrated on a daily basis through love. When our Dori had a medical issue this past year, the HCCA staff did not hesitate to make regular appearances to our home to love on her. Where else could you get connection and community like that? We feel blessed to be part of this community and you will too.

The Greene Family

Tell us about why you decided to join our community and send your child to HCCA?

Our older children have been in public schools for over a decade now. We naively believed that living where we do, the schools were mirroring our values and beliefs. While we understood that the public schools aren't Christian schools and didn't expect them to be teaching Biblical lessons, we were surprised to see lessons and messages that were antithetical to our morals and values. 2020 was a wakeup call, an eye opener, for us in many ways. We saw the curtain pulled back and realized that the situation in our schools was much more dire than we would have ever imagined. That began in us the search for something better and in doing so we found much more than that, we found the ideal.

What is your child’s favorite lesson, activity, or part of the day at HCCA?

We asked Gavin this question and he had a very puzzled look on his face. He asked, 'do I have to just pick 1?', and then said 'All of them!'. He couldn't choose! He loves the interaction with all of the other kids and the work cycle throughout the day. He's just excited to be there every day.

In your experience, how is HCCA different from other schools?

The answer to the question, 'what was your favorite part of the day' from our other kids as they've gone through other schools has always been either 'lunch' or 'recess'. To see Gavin so excited about every part of his day is truly a testament to how and what he's being taught. It's amazing to visit the classroom and see how the Bible and our Faith are the foundation of every lesson that is taught. Our Faith is not just expressed in a separate religious ed class, but is woven into everything. It's so natural and thoughtful and was so much more than what we had expected or hoped for.

Have you noticed anything different about your children since attending HCCA?

Gavin has always had a tender heart, but to see his heart softening even more to God has been amazing. He's always been social and has loved school from that perspective, but to see him engaged in his classwork and coming home to talk about math or science has been a real joy for us. To see him start carrying a Bible and wanting to get into it more has been awesome.

What would you say to a family considering joining the HCCA community and partnering with us to educate their child?

You won't regret it. We look forward to welcoming more families into this wonderful community.